North Cobar
NSW (100% LSA)
Lachlan Star is focused on exploring for copper and gold rich deposits within the metal endowed Cobar Basin of central New South Wales.
The North Cobar Project lies immediately north of the Cobar Mining District and straddles the northern extension to the major first order Rookery and Buckwaroon Fault systems, a metalliferous fault network which is associated with several major copper, gold and base metal mines in the district – including the CSA, Endeavor and Peak Mines.
The region has seen a surge in mining and exploration activity in recent years, highlighted by MAC Copper Limited’s (ASX: MAC) acquisition of the CSA Mine from Glencore for AUD $1.64 billion in June 2023. This acquisition underscores the district’s immense potential.

Key Highlights:
- Underexplored Greenfields Opportunity: Minimal past exploration and limited drill coverage.
- Strategic Location: Positioned along the strike of the CSA Mine and the northern extension of the Rookery Fault corridor.
- Prospective Basin Fault Architecture: Major faults trend into the project area, providing a favourable structural setting for ore deposition.
- Favourable Geology: Shares the same Cobar Basin host rock packages as other major deposits within the region.