Basin Creek Prospect (Junee Project)
NSW (100% LSA)
The Basin Creek Prospect is located at the southern end of the Junee Project area, within the highly prospective Lachlan Fold Belt of central New South Wales.
The Lachlan Fold Belt is host to a number of Australia’s premier mineral deposits, with over 110Moz gold and 19Mt copper in current resource and past production and includes the major porphyry copper-gold and epithermal gold deposits of Cadia (42Moz Au, 8.7Mt Cu), Northparkes (3.8Moz Au, 3.4Mt Cu) and Cowal (9.6Moz Au).
At Basin Creek, the Company identified a compelling disseminated copper sulphide system containing several zones of semi-massive copper sulphides (chalcopyrite) in historic 1970’s drillcore that returned intercepts including:
- 21.3 metres at 4.51% copper from 41.1 metres downhole in TDH01, including:
- 9.2 metres at 1.23% copper; and
- 4.6 metres at 18.54% copper
- 3.1 metres at 5.50% copper from 59.4 metres downhole in TDH13

These significant results are also supported by an extensive surface geochemical footprint, with over 1 kilometre of anomalous copper-in-soil geochemistry, up to 0.2% copper, untested by drilling along strike to the north, which is further supported by strong anomalous responses from recent geophysical surveys.
With no drilling having been undertaken to follow up these intercepts from 50 years ago, the Company has been excited by the opportunity to drill test this copper sulphide system down-plunge from these high-grade intercepts in its maiden drill program, which returned intercepts including:
- 21 metres at 1.21% copper from 138 metres downhole in BCD004, including:
- 4.5 metres at 3.0% copper, from 153 metres
- 79.2 metres at 0.52% copper from 12 metres downhole in BCD003, including:
- 0.75 metres at 11.76% copper, from 90.45 metres
The Company is looking forward to drill testing the northern strike of the anomalous copper-in-soil trend and unlocking its full potential.
Key Highlights:
- Strategic Location: Positioned within a proven mineral province hosting world-class deposits.
- Advanced Greenfields Opportunity: Drill ready copper sulphide system identified, containing significant high-grade mineralisation.
- Untapped Potential: Represents an underexplored opportunity with no systematic follow up exploration activity in over 50 years.